Saturday, 30 August 2008

29th August - Where in the world....


Sometimes I like to go to PC world and mess their shit up a little. Here are some of the things I like to do there:

1) Scratch LCD TVs
2) Ask to look at nice cameras and then lick the lenses
3) Calculate the tiny discount on the items in the bargain bucket
4) Swear at the security dude sat on that elevated pedestal near the exits. I don't care how high they are, I will fight them during a frisking!

Why was I in PC world? Replacing a item of computerised value in my household of course. I tried haggling them into a price war with Currys which is right next door but it just wasnt washing. Something about being the same company. Some of these marketing people are way to clever for me!

My tan from the holidays started peeling today. I told Koulla that I was gonna gather all the rubbings of my skin into a small ball and feed it to our omni-sexual budgie, Frosty. Koulla told me not to but I did it anyway. The results were amusing. Frosty all the way through Big Brother (eviction night). It began to annoy me so I gave him/her a little minuture Heimlick maneuver. To my surprise, he/she spat out a small lego head from one of my star wars pieces. To prevent future repeat incidences, I have laced all of my remaining lego toys with pepper and chilli.

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