Thursday, 4 September 2008

4th September - Hair today...

That's it! I'm shaving it off! Hair is stupid. Specifically mine is. I think its time I gave my fine flyaway locks to charity.  The problem is the rain. The minute your hair does not stop the rain, you need to just lop it off. 

After a stressfull day, I called my dear mother to see how she was. we noisily burped the following:

Mum: Hello son
Me: 'aight y'all? Sup dawg?
Mum: Alex
Me: Yes, mum?
Mum: Stop being jive
Me: K. Sorry.
Mum: Hows work?
Mum: Did you just shrug?
Me: Yes
Mum: I can't see you shrug over the phone
Me: Really? Well you can't see what I'm doing now!
Mum: You are flipping the bird to the phone
Me: You are like some sort of witch! How did you know?
Mum: Grow up, son. heres you father....
Dad: Hello?
Me: Hi Dad!
Dad: Piss off!

Grumpy git.

I swear the weekend cannot come soon enough. If I have to take part in one more conference call, I'm going do 'allo 'allo impressions until I get fired. The news is warning of stormy weather in the south west, tomorrow. Sini and I decided to leave for the glorious capital early tomorrow. If i get home and find the Russians have invaded, I will be proper annoyed!

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