Thursday, 8 May 2008

8th May

I was rudely awoken early this morning by koulla asking me if she should wear flip flops to work. In a sleeping twilight, I contemplated telling her the following:
"If i cut your big toes off you wont be able to!"
but im pretty sure i said:
"Why not. Its nice out".
After she had left, Frosty (our gender confused budgie), starting tweeting so that i couldn't get back to sleep. I thought about erecting a Fritzel style basement for him/her.

Driving to my job, I had to traverse some obscure A road near Reading. It stank of farm shit. As if incriminating them, there was horse poo all over the road that had been squashed by cars. I noticed that the gaps between the poo splurges were equi-distant! The road was about 8 miles long and the horse poo would not let up! I half expected to see a really thin, gaunt, pooless horse at the end! There wasn't. There was an old man with hiking boots and red socks. He looked like he hadn't pooed in ages!

I had a meeting with the customer outdoors in the sun. He wasn't twitching at all so I didn't bother challenging him to a fight. I nearly burnt the poor bastard when I spilt my tea on the table and got all his diagrams wet. I covered my embarrasment well with a joke or two about having parkinsons. I thought about looking mean and saying:
"Pay up in time or theres more than a burning for you!"
But i didn't.

Peter and Jordan is on TV later on. I've decided to eat my own sock rather than the fish dinner thats being cooked right now. I doubt if K will notice. She will be too fixated on Jordans munge buskets!

Tomorrow is office time for me. I think I have another meeting to preside over. I feel like Bobby Ewing. I might stand up during the meeting and shout "OI Pam! shut it and sit on JRs lap!"
I might not. I will let you know if i do...

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