Tuesday, 20 May 2008

20th May

Fkin yawn!

I fell asleep in the course today so i'm going to bed early. As I slept, I dreamt that Igor was feeding me chicken wings and plucking my eyebrows. I awoke to see him sat opposite, buried in his course notes. I fear him. This course cannot end quick enough.

United's big day tomorrow. We better get back in time from my course or I will declare war on Burma. Get at them when they are at their weakest is what I say... Cech is on tv talking about how great Chelsea are. If I ever have a run in with him, I know I have to aim my punches at his head. Theres got to be a few decent crumple zones within that padding of his.

Going bed now. These bags under my eyes are becoming offensive.

1 comment:

SpartanSausage said...

You heinous, scampi-scoffing turd trumpet