Monday, 26 May 2008

25th May

John Barrowman!

There I've said it. I first saw this guy on stage in Cinderella in Wimbledon theatre many years ago. I hated him then and I hate him now. Despite this, it seems that a reader is a fan and deserves a mention. Why?! Why?!

Today was my nephews birthday. As koulla and I rushed around a shop to buy him a suitable present, I got side tracked playing with toys. There was an Optimus prime voice changing helmet which looked awesome. I donned then head piece and ran around Woolworths scaring children by shouting "Prime says smoke cigarettes, you little shit!", in an autobot voice. This was stopped when security threw me out. Koulla pretended not to know me as I picked myself up off the floor from the street and dusted myself down.
I saw a bargain in one of the shops where 1 pound (sterling) will get you 6 cans of pepsi max! i texted Andy to let him know. No sooner had a I texted that I felt like an old lady calling her grandson to tell him how cheap tomato soup was! Andy didn't reply. He probably thinks I'm mocking his addiction!

As we drove to my brothers, I switched off my sat nav and followed the smell of cooking carcass to the house. It was like in starwars when 'Ol Ben tells Luke to switch off the computer and shoot manually. There are differences, granted, but not many. Food was plentiful and I only stopped eating to assemble the birthday present for the birthday boy. It was a killer awesome track type car thing. I thought about taking the present back, citing health reasons and playing at home, but Koulla wouldn't let me. I settled for stealing some colouring in pens.

During the intense calorie intake, my cousin Andoni turned up. You remember him, he let me down by not visiting me (see previous entries). He turned up dressed like an extra for High School Musical. He babbled about his course work and exams and whatnot. I'm proud of him for finishing his work and all that but when I look at him, all I can think about is the kid who was scared of an episode of home and away. You know, the one with the shark!
Super Barrowman fan and her sister were there. Between the both of them, there is enough colourings in their hair to make a carton of sunny delight! The red headed one looked like the aftermath of a sanitary towel disaster!

Tommorow is bank holiday Monday. Lord knows what we will do to entertain ourselves. No doubt they will be detailed here. On that note, I better chuck the rubbish out. A crap job at 2:30 in the morning.


Anonymous said...

=)Yes!! John Barrowman Rocks!!!!!!!!

Salon Girl said...

you wank stain!!!!a sanitary towel!!!???i hope crows peck out your eyes!

AlioSpalio said...


Thems the facts. I just report them.